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Jenn Viane Riese

Podcast with Jenn Viane Riese on September 11, 2022 Listen to Now

Hi, I'm Jenn. I'm just a chick who woke up one day and was like, "f*ck this sh*t" because I was tired of being tired of life - the rat race, keeping up with the Jones', the hamster wheel, and every other metaphor we use to rationalize stress and anxiety as a way of life.

I felt called, curious, and compelled so I started on a journey of discovery.

Over the years, I've worked with hundreds of people as a business mentor and coach and I've trained thousands of people in marketing, sales, and personal development and I've discovered two important realizations:

  1. Everyone's purpose is to be of service to others, be it people, animals, nature, or the planet, and our passion is how we fulfill that

  2. While we share the same purpose, everyone's journey is completely different

As a "late bloomer" Artist (I didn't unlock this creative gift until I was 40 years old), my journey in art developed alongside a spiritual awakening. It started with Brene Brown on Audible during long car rides to industry events (acknowledging shame is a fast track to self-awareness) and well, it hasn't ended yet and I hope it never does.

Along the way, with the help of many including Brene, Eckhart, Marianne, and Dolores (check resources for links to books) to name a few, as well as very patient loved ones, tons of meditation, and Karen Glass (the best Medium ever), I've healed past life trauma, childhood trauma, and generational trauma. And I've laid curled up on the floor of my closet in the dark sobbing like a child with the tear stains on my floor to prove it. I've unlocked my inner Artist. I've forgiven myself for who I was when I was in survival mode. I've become self-aware of who I am in relation to my relationships. I've become the mother, friend, and partner I knew I could be but never was. I've befriended my body after years of shaming her. I've connected with my true, spiritual self and intuitive gifts.

I strive to manifest the highest and best version of myself every day and now I help others do the same through art and creative expression