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LeMUrian Temple of Light

* Thursday, June 9, 16, 23

* 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm PT/ 7:00 pm CT/ 9:00 pm ET/ 3:00 pm HT

* 3 class series, 90 minutes each, It will be recorded

* Live on Zoom

* $125

* Sign up at:

Lemuria is an ancient spiritual city and many lightwokers had a life in Lemuria. My life in Lemuria was one of my favorites and most spiritual lives on earth. We will explore their culture and spirituality. 

After the fall of Lemuria many of us reincarnated back to an island in the South Pacific and Atlantis. In these life times we continue to have advance gifts and wisdom but we were not as advanced as our Lemurian selves. We will explore these native cultures to help us remember what spiritual gifts we are trying to activate in our cell memory as we ascend in this great awakening. We will remember the power of sound and toning and how it's used to create. It will be a powerful class of activations and remembering who we are, who we once were, and who we are becoming. With the solar flares and big shifts happening on the earth planet right now, this is the perfect time to remember why we are on earth and what we are capable of. 

Are you Lemurian?

Do you have a love for warm clear turquoise ocean water? Do you feel a strong connection to whales, dolphins and dogs? Do you want society to be more connected to each other, to animals and to nature? Deep down do you feel like you once lived in a more advanced spiritual and loving community? Do you ever feel like you miss home but you are home? Do you feel like you've had lives where you were a native to the land? Maybe you were Maori, Australian Aboriginal, American Indian or Egyptian. Maybe those memories were not your first life on earth. 

Maybe you lived before this time in a land called Mu or LeMUria. Maybe it was your most advanced life and your soul is trying to remember your gifts, your connection to source, and your connection to your soul family.

In this class we will discuss the customs, the gifts, the lifestyle and the loving community of Lemurians. We will journey back in time through a deep meditation in hopes to open your subconscious mind to your life in Lemuria. You will discover if you lived in Lemuria and hopefully find the missing piece of your soul journey that you have been searching for. I believe Lemurians were the most advanced spiritual civilization on the earth planet. Let's learn who they were and how they lived. 

Please join me in June for this 3 part series. 

May 26

The Magic of Manifesting

July 21

Paralle Lives