A Transcendence Through Time
Moving beyond the grasp of the old and fully emerging into the power of these higher times!
Message from Sarah & Karen
If you're here, then this next level may be calling you. You are invited to join us in the magical land of Egypt this November 2025.
This is a 12-day sacred journey to reach into our highest potential and activate with the energies of Egypt. It takes place November 8-19th 2025.
It will involve channeled ceremonies, activations, release, soul discovery, and connection with other like-minded souls.
If you are ready to utilize the incredible energies of Egypt to help you remember and step into who you truly are, then this journey is for you.
How We Will Reactivate Our Ancient Power
Channeled Energy Ceremonies
We will engage in group channeled activations, healings and ceremony inside the temples and pyramids in Egypt to pull in the higher dimensions.
Soul Remembrance
There will be guided soul discovery to help you remember the magic of Egypt and your lifetimes there so that you can move powerfully into this next phase of ascension.
Teaching & Classes
Leading up to the trip, Sarah and Karen will offer a series of classes to bring forward history and connection to Egypt. They will also share channeled teachings during the journey together.
The Journey...
This transcendence through time... will start with the building and initial intentions of the beginnings of Ancient Egypt. We will connect with the energies, beings, and versions of ourselves from that time and regain the knowledge of this powerful place. We will rediscover and bring back online the higher dimensional history and how it is to be applied to our current moment and ascension.
We will then dip into... the turning point of Egypt and the arrival of the lower energies. How it shifted this magical place and our world as we know it. And as we begin to remember our own ancient power that is stored here, we will see the parallels with our current times and how we are overcoming the dark and rising into the light. This midpoint in time is a representation of what we have overcome during the ascension and the rise to New Earth. That it no longer has its hold and is now ancient history.
Moving into the higher times..., we will initiate into the feminine with a visit to the Isis Temple and wrap up our final days in Egypt by activating our bodies into this ascension energy. We will transcend these prior energies by receiving initiation and invitation into our true power amongst the pyramids to help us move to the next level. This remembrance of truth will re-inform us that the higher consciousness we seek has been accessible to us all along and we are finally here to move beyond the grasp of the lower energies and into the fullness of our own light!
Leading up to the trip..., starting in August, Karen and Sarah will be offering bi-weekly classes for those attending the retreat. These will take place over zoom at dates and times TBD. If you can't make these classes live, it's okay, replays will be provided. The classes will give us an opportunity to prepare for the magic of Egypt and tap into its energetic history. We will tune in with the Hathors, Isis, the Essenes, sacred site construction, Egyptian past lives, and more.
Please visit “A Transcendence Through Time’s “official website for additional information, the itinerary, price, and application.