A rare planetary alignment will occur in January of 2025, when six planets (Mars, Jupiter, Uranus, Venus, Neptune, and Saturn) will appear to cluster together in the evening sky. "This celestial phenomenon is known as a "planetary parade" or "planetary alignment". It occurs when planets appear to cluster together due to their differing orbital periods." The six planets will be visible in the days leading up to January, 21, 2025 and the following four weeks with January 25th predicted as a powerful manifestation day. It is believed that when planets align they combine gravitational forces and help amplify our energy. This allows us to align more with our dreams, our power, and our creative energy.

As the false matrix continues to collapse you may feel sadness as you let go of who you were. At the same time, you may feel excited as you continue to align  with your higher self. Many of you have been learning to detach from outcomes and are releasing all that no longer serves you. When the solar flare creates a sudden positive shift in your reality you are not temped to look back. This allows you to take full advantage of the powerful energies coming in with no attachments. You won't feel the need to wait for others or finish one more task before you upgrade. 

We will continue to align with parallel lives, past lives, future lives and our higher self. The planets represent us lining up with higher versions of ourselves to bring in advanced and powerful energy into our body. More solar flares are being released and activating the light force energy in your body. We are stepping more and more into a higher vibration of our light bodies as we continue to play in human form. 

Myself and other psychics are excited for 2025. We see leaps of change occurring next year. Large solar flares will continue to come in and we may even enjoy the flash of light. Change is not always easy but we have been preparing for this time for eons. You have advanced wisdom, gifts and power lying dormant in your energy field and are currently in the process of activating this energy in your body. Many of you are going within and may want solitude as you surround yourself with only your energy allowing you to step more fully into a higher version of yourself. Your body and the earth have been raising its vibration creating a butterfly effect of more and more people waking up. This powerful energy can't be stopped. It will create a powerful combustion of light onto the planet. 

2025 is a 9 Universal Year. 2+0+2+5 = 9. 2024 was an 8 universal year and if you recall my message at the beginning of 2024, it was a year of transformation. 8s stacked on top of each other representing DNA strands being activated allowing you to begin to remember your true essence. As we step more into a higher version of ourselves we gain more boundaries and become aware of what we are no longer in alignment with. This leads us into 2025, a 9 year represent endings, completion, transformation and new beginnings. It is predicted that many life changing events may occur this year. You may see marriages ending, friendships ending and a change of jobs or homes. We may also see a transformation of systems on the earth that we are no longer in alignment with or willing to accept. At the same time, you are preparing for a 1 universal year of New Beginnings. Expect leaps of growth, transformation and remembering what your soul truly desires. Look back at your journey since 2017 and recognize how far you've come. This will be a year of higher understanding and seeing the bigger picture. The 9 Year brings significant transformation and improvements to all areas of your life. 

The Great Awakening is remembering who we really are, remembering the game, the players of the game, and then stepping into the next dimension as we become masters of the game. We are in the process of letting go of all karma and  remembering how to manifest our ideal reality. As you step more into your dream life, you need to let go of what no longer serves you or brings you joy. Do the people in your life bring you joy? Are you still playing out karmic relationships?  Do you love your job? Do you love where you live? What needs to change? What do you need to let go of? What do you desire? Allow these changes to occur with no judgement or attachment in 2025. Appreciate and love your lessons and journey. Try to detach from outcomes knowing that as you let go of what no longer serves you, you are opening up for all the your dreams to come pouring in. Write down a few of your goals and then speak them out loud to your angelic team. This lets them know what direction you desire to go in and allowing them to assist you in making your dreams a reality. 


Hello God