We are moving out of duality

When we meditate we bring ourselves closer to who we truly are. Our souls are of love and light. That is who YOU are; that is who WE are. We came to earth and chose a costume and character to play, but our souls all come from the same place. We play a game of separation, a game of duality, but the end goal of this game is to come back to unity.

In this separation game we may see one person's costume as White, Black, Hispanic, or Asian. Our loving souls pick a rainbow of beautiful lights and experiences for us to learn from.

We have been playing this duality game for centuries and our soul is tired. It is ready to be done with this chapter. This chapter has unfortunately created family lineage trauma, past life trauma, childhood trauma, and pain. We have all been programmed through our parents, our friends, the media, and social media. No one is born fighting or proving their existence or point of view to another. Children are born thinking they are connected to others. They come into the world feeling connected to source. At a very young age they learn their costume on earth is separate from other people's costume, and it creates a fear of separation as they program themselves into this earth game of duality.

We know that unity will make us feel safe and whole, but we are not aware of how to accomplish it. People start to fight and become angry at others who are not in alignment with their beliefs. Making fun of, creating memes, getting angry at people, telling people they have to use the same words as you is creating a duality. Playing Love/Hate, Left/Right, Superior/Inferior, Right/Wrong, Rich/Poor, White/Black/Brown is all duality. Let's unprogram and take ourselves out of this duality game.

Are you currently trying to prove you are right? Do you think people are dumb if they don't have your belief system? Does another person's belief system create fear in you? Are you creating a divide between others and yourself? If you answered yes to any of those, then you are not in your heart.

Since March my political views have changed and I now have similar view points to people I did not understand before. One day I realized I had changed. I am so blessed to see the full spectrum of many beliefs in just one year. This can now help take me out of the duality game and move me closer to my love and light.

Yesterday, as I was putting pieces together of what I believe is happening on the earth, I noticed one piece of information did not fit into my puzzle. I asked someone of an opposing belief to explain their point of view, and at that moment I understood why people felt a certain way and my puzzle felt complete. I wanted to share my point of view in a talk about the "Great Awakening" within the 3D matrix but I struggle with uncertainty. Is this just my journey and my point of view? Is this just MY truth or is it THE truth? Is there A truth? The only truth I am 100% sure of right now is that I am working back toward love and unity. Are you actively doing the same or are you stuck in the middle of duality?


Hello God


We are here to learn